Alumna appointed dean of University of Indonesia Law School

Melda Kamil, ’95, ’11, was named dean of University of Indonesia Law School this past December. The second woman to be elected dean in the school’s history, she will lead the oldest law school in Indonesia through the completion of her term in 2021.

Kamil has served in various faculty and leadership positions at the University of Indonesia since 1992 while pursuing further education. After several years as a lecturer at the University of Indonesia, Kamil received her LLM from UW Law in 1995, and later returned to earn her PhD in 2011. Upon returning to the University of Indonesia, she was appointed chairperson of Djokosoetono Research Center and then head of International Office.

One of Indonesia’s leading scholars of international environmental law and law of the sea, Melda has also served as legal adviser for a number of government and private institutions at the national and international level.

Melda maintains a close relationship with UW Law, and encourages her faculty to further their studies at the UW.

“UW Law certainly played a significant role in shaping me and my perspective about life,” said Melda. “The challenge of learning in a foreign country has enriched me, helping me to be independent, mature and adaptive to any new and different environment.”